
what i want you to know

Do what you love.

Travel often.

Open your heart to new experiences.

Go out and be the person you want to be.

My dear, what I want to tell you is that some days you won't do these things. Some days you will be broke, some days you will be sad, some days you will work a joyless job simply because you have to.

Sometimes you won't go on vacation, you won't travel to see the world, you won't "get lost in the experience of life."

Because you know what? You are living your life to the best of your ability and working to pay the rent. Frankly, right now you are too damn busy holding it all together to analyze the meaning of your life.

Please don't beat yourself up. What I want to stress to you is that all of this - the not doing -  is okay. It is okay and screw anyone else that tells you otherwise. Because this, real life, is what being an adult is about.

It won't be forever, it will change. Maybe not for a long time, but it will change. In the meantime, hold tight. If you are folding t-shirts or filing folders take pleasure in the fact that you have kick-ass taste in shoes.

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