
a conversation between girlfriends

I stumbled across a disc of photos I had forgotten about. The disc contains some candid photos of my wedding weekend. These are among my favorites. Even though I don't remember what were talking about, I bet I could come close to recreating the conversation just based on our facial expressions.

I love that I recognize every mannerism and laugh and look in these photos even tough I haven't see any of these ladies in quite some time. I know exactly what Cheryl's laugh sounds like because of the way she is holding her hand to her mouth. I know that Leslie is making fun of me because of the way she is pointing at me. I know that Emily is telling me I'm full of it because of the set of her chin.

There is something special about girlfriends. (Truth be told, a part of me will always feel a little sorry for the opposite sex.) Especially those girlfriends. The ones you link arms with, the ones whose clothes you borrow, the ones you don't need to pretend with, the ones you say "I love you" to. These girlfriends are the ones that make being a female pretty darn great.

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