A sleeping baby. One of the most peaceful sights to be seen. My child thinks naps during the day are for punks. But sometimes he gives a girl a break and takes a little snooze, which you think would mean peace of mind for me. However, it usually leads to some sort of internal dialogue that goes like this, "Should I eat? What do I have time to make? How long is he going to sleep? Do we even have food in the house? Crap, maybe I should shower instead. But wait, what if he wakes up while I'm in the shower? Will I hear him? How long do I have until he wakes up? Gosh, I really stink and should probably shower. But I'm so hungry. Maybe I'll just sit down and have a cup of coffee. It's been weeks since I've managed to drink an entire cup while it's hot. Dammit! I hear him, I think he just woke up. No, he settled back down. Argh I should probably pump while he's asleep. I hate pumping. Man, I'm really hungry. I really need a shower. Oh! Maybe I have time to throw a load of laundry in. Is he still sleeping? Is he breathing?! Oh ok he's fine. Screw it, I'm going to sit down and rest for a few minutes. Maybe I'll watch another episode of The Vampire Diaries. Shit, he just woke up. Hold on while I shove some pretzels in my mouth..."
Please tell me I'm not alone in this.
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