
so here's the thing

It is worth it. Love, that is.

It is worth the all of it and the everything that comes with finding it, growing it, and keeping it. It. is. worth. it. That's what I am here to say. So if you are wondering if love is worth the heartache? If you haven't found your love and wonder if maybe you are searching for something that isn't all that necessary for a happy life? If you are hoping for something that is even worth hoping for? My answer is yes. Be ever vigilant. You aren't less or weak for wanting it. Because it is totally worth wanting.

It is more wonderful than you know. And you aren't supposed to know about the wonderfulness until you are in love fully and overwhelmingly. You're just not. That's the great secret. You might think you have a sense of what this love thing is you are searching for, but I assure you that you have no idea.

I wish for you to have love. I wish you to be stupid full of it. I wish for you to not know the wonderfulness until it slams into you like a truck. For all of it to be worth it.

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