Today I almost swallowed a bug. How it ended up in my coffee therefore ending up in my mouth, I have no idea.
It was not a little bug. Freakout ensued.
I found myself saying to my office buddy, "Ya know, I used to have a pretty easy life. Not sure what happened." Now I realize that a near brush with eating a bug does not mean I have a hard life. Not even close. But as I was trying to get over the feel of bug in my mouth, the words slipped out. And in many ways - a whole heckuva lot of ways - this year has been much tougher than my years in the past. Life goes in cycles. Some years are easy. Everything goes your way, the bills are easy to pay, happiness isn't hard to come by, and your relationships are in balance. Other years, well... not so much.
Tiny things are what keep me going. The excited anticipation of seeing husband after time apart. Realizing I've made new friends. Appreciating that I will never get another opportunity to be in my parents' lives the way I am now. Feeling like I have risen to the challenge of this year (and kicked its butt).
Tiny things are what I am grateful for. Because when life is going grand, they are often ignored. And it turns out that these tiny things are really some of the most important things.
The place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you. - Hafiz