
two months / hangin' out with some fall flowers

In true new mommy fashion I'm a day late on this post. C is now a whoppin' two months old. Every day he gets a little bigger. Every day he is discovering new things. Seeing him change and develop before my eyes is amazing. And a little heart wrenching. Already we have a pile of baby clothes that no longer fit. Already it is all going too fast.

Baby C, your newfound smiles bring me the greatest joy. I laugh when I see you realize that you can grab your firefly toy and then proceed to punch the heck out of it. Nothing is sweeter than the sound of your little baby coos. I am obsessed with your little hands. You've recently started holding on to my shirt while you nurse and my mama heart almost can't handle it. I love you.


a sleeping baby

A sleeping baby. One of the most peaceful sights to be seen. My child thinks naps during the day are for punks. But sometimes he gives a girl a break and takes a little snooze, which you think would mean peace of mind for me. However, it usually leads to some sort of internal dialogue that goes like this, "Should I eat? What do I have time to make? How long is he going to sleep? Do we even have food in the house? Crap, maybe I should shower instead. But wait, what if he wakes up while I'm in the shower? Will I hear him? How long do I have until he wakes up? Gosh, I really stink and should probably shower. But I'm so hungry. Maybe I'll just sit down and have a cup of coffee. It's been weeks since I've managed to drink an entire cup while it's hot. Dammit! I hear him, I think he just woke up. No, he settled back down. Argh I should probably pump while he's asleep. I hate pumping. Man, I'm really hungry. I really need a shower. Oh! Maybe I have time to throw a load of laundry in. Is he still sleeping? Is he breathing?! Oh ok he's fine. Screw it, I'm going to sit down and rest for a few minutes. Maybe I'll watch another episode of The Vampire Diaries. Shit, he just woke up. Hold on while I shove some pretzels in my mouth..."

Please tell me I'm not alone in this.