
oh, life. you are such a kidder sometimes. and a jerk.

Oh well hello there. I guess I took an unplanned blogging break there, didn't I? Sometimes the words don't flow and it's best not to force them. Also, I've been pretty boring lately and haven't picked up my camera in awhile. It's been giving me the stink eye so I guess I should remedy that soon.

June was pretty uneventful. My belly got fatter, husband finished up his first school year in PA, we debated on where to move at the end of the month, and - oh yea - my belly got even more fatter. All in all, a pretty uninspiring month. Sometimes that happens. However, I guess July has another thing in store for me.

Ever have one of those weeks where you just feel like giving your life the big ol' finger? That's this week for me. Nothing catastrophic has happened, but nothing has really gone right either. I took this week off from work but mostly I've been thinking I should have just saved my vacation days. However, you get to the point where you just have to laugh.

Because you'll have a day where you try to rally. You will be in a good mood and you will have a good day. You decide go to a pool. You're going to throw caution to the wind and dress your big pregnant belly in your pre-pregnancy bikini and say screw anyone who looks at me funny. And it will be a disaster from the get-go. It will be unbelievably crowded with some real stand-up looking citizens (on the plus side you will feel amazingly good looking and thin) and the line will be a million people long and you have no idea what you were thinking of when you decided to go to a public pool on the 4th of July. Pregnancy hormones will have clouded your brain. And obviously your husband is too scared of you these days to object.

And then? Then? The moment you have paid your way and made it inside they will close the pool for "fecal contamination". That's right, someone's kid will have pooped in the pool. And all you can do is laugh. Because, really, what else can you do?

So Happy 4th of July, everyone. We're going to attempt to see some fireworks tonight so cross your fingers for me. Anything could happen.

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