

Routine. A word sometimes said with a bad taste in the mouth. But routine doesn't always mean mundane or robot-like. Sometimes routine means comfort.

I've been asked if I miss D.C. and Virginia. It is a yes and no answer. Becuase it isn't the place that I miss. It is our life that I miss. It wasn't perfect and I certainly had my complaints (hence the move) but it was ours. It is the routines we had that I miss and the comfort that came along with them.

I miss coming up the walkway to our house and being able to see husband sitting on the couch through the big front window. I miss tapping on the window to let him know I was home.

I miss Friday nights on the couch with Chinese food and wine.

I miss waking up on Saturday mornings, the smell of coffee, and the sound of the TV in the other room. I miss yelling good morning to husband and how he'd come back into bed for a few minutes while I finished waking up.

Little things, nothing huge. But they were a routine. They were ours.

We've been so all over the place lately that we haven't had routines beyond the Monday through Friday to and from work. Today I had such a sense of relief after making a trip to Target. Such an ordinary thing to do - a routine thing - but it felt so normal. I know we will feel comfortable in our life again. It just takes time. But could our comfortable life hurry up, please?

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