happy halloween
Happy Halloween, ya'll! I love Halloween. Love it. It is one of my favorite holidays. Growing up, our house was the absolute best house in the whole neighborhood. My mom always went all out. Scary music, awesome decorations, homemade costumes, the whole bit. Fun fact: one year my mom dressed my brother up as a flasher complete with trench coat and black socks and dress shoes. When our neighbors opened their doors, he whipped open his coat... to show that he was wearing a sign that said "Boo!" on top of his shorts and t-shirt.
It is unfortunate that today I am quite under the weather. Sick enough that I simply drew the face I wanted on my jack-o-lantern and husband carved it for me. Sad.
The above picture shows husband waiting patiently for the trick-or-treaters. And yes, I do believe his cheeks are full of candy. We didn't get many visitors and are pretty sure that some people snubbed our place outright. I'm talking to you, Captain America. We saw you at our neighbors. Was there something wrong with our decorations? We are not pleased, not pleased at all. We have a glowing pirate skeleton coming out of the ground. What about that doesn't scream, "we have candy"?
i'm blaming it on the hurricane
I think Hurricane Sandy brought a whole lotta funk my way. Today was one of those days. Oh yes it was. One of those days with a bright moment of clarity that you know - you just know - you are not going to handle it well. And it sets in a moment of panic because you are aware that there's no stopping it, not as hard as you try.
To all those men out there who have stared, silently, in complete wonder while their wives take gasping sobs and tell you they have no idea what is wrong.... I salute you. To all those men who hug their wives tight and rub their backs while they spew forth a babble of blubbering words (most of the "words" not even sounding like they come from any language at all unless you count hysterics as its own language)... I salute you. To all those men who manage to deal with this and still have the hots for their wives... I salute you even more.
Today was one of those days. So I'm blaming it all on Sandy.
That bitch.
P.S. I realize that not every female has a little friend in their life called anxiety. Count yourself lucky if the above experience does not apply to you. But you are going to continue to read about my experiences because, well, this is my blog. Everything ain't sunshine and rainbows all the time.
To all those men out there who have stared, silently, in complete wonder while their wives take gasping sobs and tell you they have no idea what is wrong.... I salute you. To all those men who hug their wives tight and rub their backs while they spew forth a babble of blubbering words (most of the "words" not even sounding like they come from any language at all unless you count hysterics as its own language)... I salute you. To all those men who manage to deal with this and still have the hots for their wives... I salute you even more.
Today was one of those days. So I'm blaming it all on Sandy.
That bitch.
P.S. I realize that not every female has a little friend in their life called anxiety. Count yourself lucky if the above experience does not apply to you. But you are going to continue to read about my experiences because, well, this is my blog. Everything ain't sunshine and rainbows all the time.
new york, new york ladies weekend
I had a super time with two of my besties this weekend in New York City. I am a lucky lady to have such great friends in my life, and Amy and Kiki are two of my oldest and my best. The older I get the more I realize how special it is that we have been friends for 15+ years. I am especially glad to have had the chance to see Kiki as a mama-to-be. It is a pretty weird feeling seeing her preggers belly and remembering when we were the epitome of awkward with braces, bad hair, bad skin, the whole works.
I love New York and its energy. It is infectious. I am still unfamiliar with so much there that it feels very new and very foreign to me when I visit. Living in Philly it is now just a short train ride away, which is more than okay by me. Until next time, New York!
P.S. I highly recommend Schiller's Liquor Bar for eating, The Grey Lady for viewing handsome bartenders, and Rock of Ages for the best time ever.
flying high
Husband's friend showed him the dirt jumps in Fairmount Park. They are not so many in number and there happens to be a gentleman there living in a tent (even in the winter apparently) but he was happy. There aren't many things that husband likes more than dirt jumpin'.
philly fall / camera play
I had a date with mom and pop on Saturday. We met in Center City and I acted as tour guide. I showed them where I work, had lunch at Monk's Cafe (Seriously. The Monk's Sour Ale. It goes down like juice), walked to Rittenhouse, browsed in Anthro and topped it all off with Capogiro gelato (the grapefruit campari is where it's at). Fall has fully arrived in Philly and I spent the afternoon appreciating how beautiful the city can be. Not many people think of Philadelphia as a beautiful city but it really is if you know where to look.
text messages from a mother
Me: I'm letting you know that I wasn't abducted and sold on the black market
Mom: Did u ever read the O. Henry story titled Ransom of Red Chief...
Me: Oh you are hilarious
Mom: Besides you would be sold on the white market.
P.S. People, if you don't know the story of Ransom of Red Chief then I don't know what to tell you. Your education in English lit was seriously lacking. It also means you probably don't know The Gift of the Magi either which just pains me to even think about.
voicemails from a father
10:34 a.m.
This is your father speaking. Giving a message from your mother. She can only wear jeans... she has to wear sneakers. And jeans. So when you pick a place for lunch she's telling me to tell you don't make it too fancy.
[frustrated sigh]
Why do I have to do this?
Anyways. [another sigh] Bye.
5:42 p.m.
It's your father. Call us when you get on the train so your mother knows you weren't kidnapped.
This is your father speaking. Giving a message from your mother. She can only wear jeans... she has to wear sneakers. And jeans. So when you pick a place for lunch she's telling me to tell you don't make it too fancy.
[frustrated sigh]
Why do I have to do this?
Anyways. [another sigh] Bye.
5:42 p.m.
It's your father. Call us when you get on the train so your mother knows you weren't kidnapped.
little houses
Wouldn't it be grand to get away to a little cabin? I wouldn't mind having a weekend away in the woods. In the woods in the mountains by a lake would be even better. Have you been to this website? Funny name!
Now that husband is employed, my stress level has lowered considerably. Everything feels a bit easier even if the day hasn't been a particularly easy one. I guess that is one good thing that came out of our challening year-- we feel incredibly lucky and are thankful for what we do have. I'm sure there will come a point where I struggle to remember this but for now I'm running with it.
I am no longer obsessively checking the PA teacher employment website so my attention is turning to other things. The cooler weather is upon us and I always feel a little refreshed with this change of season. I'm starting to think of things I'd like to do, accomplish and learn (or at least attempt to do or accomplish or learn). Some things on my list are:
- Learn to bake bread. All kinds. I attempted this last year and failed to follow through.
- Once the weather turns unbearable and I go into hermit mode, explore AFI's Top 100 Movies. I've never seen Annie Hall or Schindler's List. How sad is that?!
- Write more. Same goes for taking photos.
None of these are mind-blowingly difficult things but little goals are good for the soul, don't you agree? What are some things you've been wanting to do?
round these parts

Smiles happen more often.
Giggles are plenty.
Baking is happening.
School clothes need to be ironed.
Socks are worn to bed.
There is talk of carving pumpkins.
We are getting back to normal.
This sweatshirt is from here. Boo they are sold out.
no more ramen (unless we want to) / mama's gettin' a new pair of shoes
Husband and I have been all smiles since Monday. Why? Because husband has a job! A real, honest-to-goodness teaching job. Just when he was resigning himself to subbing all year (which, after 12 years of teaching, he likened to a kick in the balls), he got a call from a middle school in desperate need of a math teacher. This was the best news we had in a long, long time. A big "peace out" to all of the stress of the past year.
Now my smiley, happy-go-lucky, goofy guy is back. I missed him.
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