
on being grounded

She loves him for a million plus one reasons. Many of them are tiny things that most people don't get to see. Some are things that no one gets to see at all because they are saved especially for her. But one reason - one big reason - that others can see if they know her well enough, is that he keeps her grounded. He makes her stop. Just stop. Stop the "shouldn't we" and the "we need to" and "why don't I" and "I'm supposed to." Stop the comparing.

Because, you see, he doesn't know what the hell an heirloom tomato is. He doesn't give a shit that all the cool kids have iPads. He has no idea that craftsman style architecure is all the rage. He couldn't care less that your glasses are supposed to be ironic. And he sure doesn't give a flying you-know-what if his beer falls into the category of "craft." Oh, and he thinks your outfit is stupid. Because it really is apparent that you are trying hard.

Where he comes from all that matters is that you work hard, you're decent to people, and you love your family and friends. It doesn't matter that you drive an old car. Or that you don't own a house yet. Or that, quite frankly, you are still figuring out the pieces of your life. Because all of that isn't the stuff that makes you a good person and makes you who you are.

He keeps her grounded. That reason #532,386 why she loves him.


yay or nay

What do we say about floral jeans and pants? I dig 'em but am not willing to spend a lot of dollars on them. Do you like the jeans better than the pants? Talk amongst yourselves and get back to me.

images found here, here, and here




Doubt is the worst, eh? At least, in my estimation it is. I have a horrible relationship with doubt. It creeps in more often than I'd like and probably even more often than I'd like to admit. Slowly, stealthily it slips in and makes its appearance known when I thought all was going quite well. After the fact, after I realize it is there, I am able to see that it had been creeping in for a few days or weeks.

Unfortunately, for me, doubt is nothing new. If I am being honest, (and tonight it appears that I am) I can be quite hard on myself. But when doubt is the worst, when it causes a sick feeling in my stomach and a tightening in my chest, it makes me doubt my decisions. And that is when I get sad, mad, and frustrated all at the same time.

Doubt really is a bastard if you think about it.


dear philadelphia

Dear City of Brotherly Love,

You are weird. In fact, very weird.

Sure, the steps at Suburban Station smell like pee and the alley next to Cafe Loftus smells like something died. Sure, sometimes the homeless people yell at you for not giving them change. And sure, I'm terrified that a pigeon is going to poop on my head.

But every morning I look forward to hearing that same blind man belt out God Bless America. And last week a drum lined walked down the street. There's that man that rolls around Center City on roller blades playing the trumpet. And today I watched some impromptu break dancing on the sidewalk.

Will I ever get used to seeing the things I see every day? Will I get to a point where I just blow by them without a thought? I hope not.

City of Brotherly Love, you sure are weird. But I love you.


P.S. But dear lord, that alley by Cafe Loftus makes me want to vomit every morning.


i would like to buy you

From These Are Things

fragments of thoughts right now

I wonder how much money Will Smith makes in royalties from Summertime.

The Cosby Show really is just the best.

"Honey, Hungry Man ain't got nothin on you." Oh, the things that come out of husband's mouth...

I now know the difference between a heifer and a cow. Learn something new every day.

Should I take prenatal vitamins to make my hair grow? My stylist says I should.


a pretty typical conversation at the town house

Mom: Who is this?

Me: Flo Rida.

Mom: Oh yes, Flo Rider.

Me: No, Flo Rid-AH.

Mom: Oh of course, Flo Rid-AHHH.

30 seconds later...

Dad: Who did you say? Slow Rider?

Me: No, not Slow Rider! Flo Rida!

Dad: Flo Rider.

Mom: No, Flo Rida. Ya know, like Florida. But Flooo - Riiida.


this falls into the category of so awesome i can't stand it

I think I've watched this at least 5 times today. Pure genius. The song. The choreography. Beyonce's vibe.

Plus, I just love that little chunky boy in the beginning.

thanks to brunch in april for sharing


quiet on the home front

Sorry for the radio silence. A busy week at work and restless sleeping resulted in one t-i-r-e-d Julia. Husband is here for a visit which a perfect ending to the week. A weekend of drinking beers and taking some photos is just what I needed.

image found via here