I read like a fiend these days because I have a hellacious commute via public transportation. And, because I am usually brain dead by the end of the day, I often read what I refer to as fluff. C'mon, everyone (well, every female) finds herself reading a book about a 20-something girl who loses her job, gets dumped by her boyfriend, starts her life over working some job like housekeeping, snags a funny and sweet man who of course is boyishly handsome, and miraculously turns that job into a booming business and really sticks it to her former employer. Oh and for some reason this always happens in England. Sometimes New York. Don't lie. I know you read these books too.
However, I do really have an appreciation for literature and don't spend all of my time reading fluff. Sometimes I read books for grown-ups. Really I do. So if you are looking for a great book, grab a copy of
The Passage. Boys, this book is for you too (there's violence!). Keep an open mind, ladies. The subject matter is sort of science-fictiony, post apocalyptic. Just beware, this book is hella long. We're talking Harry Potter long and the type size is smaller (because we are grown-ups!).
This is one of the best books I've read in the past year. It sucked me in big time and I could barely put it down. Why don't I throw in some cool lingo for you? The character development is amazing.
Now please excuse me. I just got Pretty Little Liars for my Kindle.