
you can always go home

We spent this past weekend at my parents' place. Husband had a bike race on Saturday (1st place and a cash prize- woo hoo!) and my mom and I had a baby shower to attend. It was just easier to pack up baby C's stuff and head on over there. However, truth be told, I had to lay out all the baby stuff in a manner I usually save for packing for long vacations in order to ensure that I didn't forget anything. And I think my mom and dad thought we were moving in permanently when they took a look at the number of bags we stumbled in with. Crikey, if that was just two days worth of packing for a baby then I'm scared to see what a week's worth is like. I thought we were going to have to strap the baby to the roof of the car. This must be why people cave and buy minivans.

While visits to their apartment isn't like going to my childhood home - thinking about the sale of that house still makes me sad - there is something comforting about hanging out with good ol' mom and dad for the weekend. Maybe it is because when I am at my own home I feel like any precious down time should be spent doing something productive. Maybe it is because my parents' apartment is cozy while I feel like we haven't finished moving into our house even after 3 months. Maybe it is because my mom cooks us dinner. Or maybe it is because they have cable. Every time we go over there we get excited to watch TV. Sad, I know. Whatever it is, I like it. I sort of didn't want to leave yesterday. It didn't hurt that my mom was taking her role as grandma pretty seriously. I had all sorts of help with the baby. I actually showered and put makeup on two days in a row. A small miracle these days.

Weekends like this make me glad we moved here. My time with my grandparents was limited due to distance and their passing while I was still young, so it makes me happy that my mom and dad are a big part of C's life. Just a little something to be thankful for on a Monday.

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